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How can rejection be a redirection ?

I used to think that rejection was something bad

That is was directed to me personnally

Until I realised that it was a blessing

By analyzing everything I was going through

I had to dive into myself

and invoke that part of me that felt "abandoned"

I looked at her with love, and allowed her to fully exist before releasing her,

to free myself from her

As soon as we take responsibility for our wounded parts, the relationship towards the rejection of others is no longer the same

Because what often makes us suffer is our interpretation of the situation

From this perspective, we can see that rejection is never a tragic thing

Yet, it's painful and it hurts when we are faced with clumsy people

But sometimes,

People are not ready

People are afraid

People don't have enough courage to confront us

and it’s okey, it doesn’t make them bad

What is needed in those kind of situations wether it's professionnal, friendly or romantic relationships :

is to leave

Because we are not welcomed for what we really are

Shouldn't we stop for a moment and say to them : thank you ?

Thank you for making a room for other energies, experiences and people


Don’t let painful experiences harden your heart

Don't let doubt gnaw at you

Keep being that gentle, caring and loving person

Keep showing your vulnerabilities for those who cares

because there is so much magic when revealing what makes you more « human »,

what makes more « you » to the ones who deserve it

Please promise me to remember that,

You are never too much or not enough for the right ones

You are never scary by reclaiming what you seek

You are only scaring the wrong ones

Let go of what needs to go but keep in mind that

those people were in your life to teach you something about yourself and then leave

There is no coincidence you know, there are only encounters

With love

Your Salma



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A propos de moi

Je suis Salma Belkebir, blogueuse et Architecte marocaine passionnée par l'art et la culture, les voyages et l'entrepreunariat social. Je me sens virevolter dans un avion, un bus ou un train, un sac à dos dans le dos, découvrant de nouveux paysages, de nouvelles cultures et façons de voir le monde.


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