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What does it mean to live in love?

Hey Folks,

How are you doing? How is your inner self? It has been a while since our last article/connection, but I didn’t forget you oh no! Tell me, how are you dealing with these last days of lockdown? Are you excited to be free soon or annoyed by the slow and heavy process?

This period of lockdown has not always been comfortable for me and it’s still, but I'm glad I had this experience. It taught me so much, especially about myself. There were both moments of emotional turmoil and questioning as well as moments of introspection: like a return to oneself and to what’s really matter.

A return to what truly nourishes the soul, to projects that give meaning and joy to our lives. Above all, this lockdown was an opportunity to reconnect with our loved ones, to see our surroundings in a new light and to really say to ourselves : who do I want to keep in my inner circle? And with whom I would like to continue this journey?

A couple of days ago, I discovered a beautiful quote of Yung Pueblo in his last book “Inward” and I wanted to share it with you. It’s called what does it mean to “live in love”? : “It means to rise above judgment so that we may see the world and ourselves with eyes of compassion. It means allowing the wisdom of love to orchestrate our actions, to always seek to produce thoughtful movements that support the good of all beings, and to emit peace into the ocean of humanity with our every step. Living in love is allowing ourselves to move through life with an open heart so that all may share in the gift of our goodwill and kindness. It is to ask ourselves, “how would love heal this situation? “before we make our move.” Beautiful, isn’t it?

So, it’s okay to not “feel” good

It’s normal to lack motivation

To feel uncomfortable emotions and old patterns

But never forget that you deserve:

Love and compassion for yourself first

You deserve light and abundance

Tenderness and understanding

You deserve to be cherished and loved as you really are, with your ups and downs

With your complete “personal history”

So, can you be more gentle with yourself ?

Can you fall in love with this messy process, with this journey we call life?

Sending peace and love your way wherever you are.

Your Salma

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A propos de moi

Je suis Salma Belkebir, blogueuse et Architecte marocaine passionnée par l'art et la culture, les voyages et l'entrepreunariat social. Je me sens virevolter dans un avion, un bus ou un train, un sac à dos dans le dos, découvrant de nouveux paysages, de nouvelles cultures et façons de voir le monde.


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